Easy Tips for Starting a Prepper Pantry

By Charlene Hess

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While you might know that having a prepper pantry is a good idea, you might also be feeling a little overwhelmed. Where do you start? How do you go about putting together the perfect prepper pantry? Today I’m going to share with you a few simple tips for starting a prepper pantry. Use these tips to guide you on your journey.

When it comes to prepping, the hardest part is often getting started. Once you’re on a roll, things begin to come together nicely. Being prepared for the future is not as difficult or overwhelming as it seems.

Once you’ve followed these simple prepper pantry beginning tips, you’ll be well on your way to having the working prepper pantry of your dreams.

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shelves with food storage on a beginner prepper pantry

How to Start a Prepper Pantry – 5 Easy Tips

When you take to the internet to research starting a prepper pantry, you are going to be shown endless pictures, articles, and videos with seeming experts who know exactly what do to. Their pantries are perfectly organized and their storage supplies are filled with everything you could ever dream of wanting in a disaster-type situation.

While these kinds of resources can seem helpful at first, they can also very quickly become overwhelming – especially for the beginner prepper! But have no fear, my friend. Nobody is going to be judging you based on your pantry organizational skills. The real thing to keep in mind is whether or not your pantry will sustain you and your family in a life-threatening situation. Whether the disaster is natural or man-made, if you’re unable to access your local grocery store for whatever reason, you’re not going to care how beautiful your pantry is – rather you’re going to be interested in not fearing for your life while bunkering down in your home.

When it comes to putting together food storage, the hardest part is always getting started. Push through the overwhelm and take those initial steps. Before you know it, you’ll be feeling confident and sure of your prepping abilities.

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Here are a few simple things to keep in mind when putting together your own prepper pantry.

Tip #1 – Start Small

Do not try to build up your entire food storage supply in one go. This is not only overwhelming, it is also extremely expensive! Your budget and your sanity will thank you when you stick to baby steps and take things one at a time.

Rather than trying to buy out the entirety of your local warehouse store, instead begin by buying one or two extra canned goods when you’re out on your regular trip to the grocery store.

When my husband and I (this is Charlene speaking) were first starting out, we were broke college students. We had no extra cash whatsoever to put towards storage. However, we knew it was important to at least get started. So when we went to the grocery store to buy the making for a spaghetti dinner, we would buy two packages of noodles and two cans of spaghetti sauce. We’d eat one package and one can for dinner and tuck the extra package and can away in our starter prepper pantry.

It was slow-going but it didn’t overwhelm our budget or our space requirements and we felt good knowing we were at least moving forward, even if it was slow.

So next time you go to the grocery store, buy an extra one or two of a few things that are already on your shopping list. Grab a few extra cans or boxes or shelf-stable food. Grab an extra case of water bottles. Just the small act of buying a few extra things every time you shop can add up really fast. And as an added bonus, you know that you’ll be storing food your family actually eats and likes rather than foods you’re unfamiliar with and won’t know how to prep when disaster strikes.

Tip #2 – Picking Out the Right Space

Due to the nature of the items you’ll be sticking in your prepper pantry, it is best to keep your storage space in a cool, dry area. Try to avoid garages and especially attics if you can as these areas tend to have extreme temperature fluctuations and, depending on the area you live in, they can also be quite humid.

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It is also good to pick a space (or at least containers) that are resistant to pests. Rodents and bugs are a surefire way to destroy an entire prepper pantry in no time at all.

Many families (my own included) get creative with storage space by turning furniture into a prepper pantry. Rather than buying a bed frame, build your bed out of boxes or buckets of food storage. We once turned our living room entertainment area into a make-shift storage area by piling our TV, computer, and sound system onto stacked food storage boxes.

When you’re creative and dedicated to the task at hand, you’ll be surprised at how many opportunities for safe food storage are sitting right in front of you.

Tip #3 – Trial and Error

When you’re storing food, you’re going to be somewhat limited due to the nature of shelf stability. For example, you’re not going to have the luxury of fresh dairy and produce items in your prepper pantry. Instead, you’ll be storing lots of canned goods and freeze dried or dehydrated foods. While these are great for long-term storage, the problem is that many families do not know how to cook and prepare meals with these types of items.

This is where the trial and error comes in. Experiment with some simple recipes that call for your shelf-stable foods. Dedicate one or two evenings a month to cooking only with foods that you keep in your prepper pantry. When disaster strikes, you’ll be grateful you know how to prepare all of that food storage in a way that your family actually enjoys.

Tip #4 – Don’t Try to Get Too Fancy

When it comes to food storage and preparing a prepper pantry, sometime it’s best keep things simple. While fancy boxes of sauces and pre-packaged foods might seem exciting, these types of things are also expensive. When getting started, it’s best to stick to life-sustaining foods such that will keep you alive and sustained no matter what is going on around you. (Yet another reason to experiment with different recipes – when all you have in your food storage is rice and beans, you will be less concerned when you also have 30+ ideas on what to make with said rice and beans.)

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Here are just a few examples of basic, life-sustaining food to include in your beginner prepper pantry:

  • Water (a must!)
  • Rice
  • Pasta
  • Canned beans
  • Dry beans
  • Peanut butter
  • Canned fruits and veggies
  • Dehydrated fruits and veggies
  • Basic seasonings (salt, pepper, garlic powder)

Make sure you have plenty of foods on hand that are high in protein as this will be crucial in a survivalist situation. If your budget allows, it is also a good idea to include some vitamins and supplements in your prepper pantry.

Tip #5 – Prepare Your Own DIY Shelf Stable Foods for Food Storage

Thanks to modern technology, it’s easier than ever to prepare your own DIY shelf-stable foods. If you have an electric pressure cooker, look up instructions for canning all of your favorite foods on your own! Or buy a dehydrator and get to work dehydrating foods that you already eat regularly. They’ll last longer that way and you will already be familiar with them when it comes time to eat on your food storage.

One Final Tip For Your Prepper Pantry

Now that you’ve read the 5 easiest tips for getting started with your own beginner prepper pantry, it’s time to move forward. The final bonus tip is to just get started. There will never be a perfect time and you will never be in a perfect financial situation. There is no better time than the present to get started preparing your family for the future. So take the first step today and just make it happen.

Before you know it, rather than looking up ideas on the internet, instead you’ll be the expert that all your friends come to for preparedness help.

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