Group Preps: Call Trees

By Scott Bascom

Call trees are one of the best ways to spread up-to-date critical information to a group either immediately before or immediately after a disaster. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the east coast of the US. In the immediate aftermath, it was found that school bus drivers had taken their buses and fled, trying to preserve…

Essential Prepper Skills for Beginners

By Scott Bascom

When you’re just getting started on this prepping journey, there is an essential list of prepper skills for beginners that everybody should start with before moving on to more complicated skills.

Top 6 Books for Preppers and Survivalists

By Scott Bascom

Top Books for Preppers and Survivalists             What books should preppers read/Books for preppers (that might make good gifts)?             A lot of prepping blogs focus on nifty gadgets- this is a sock that is meant to light a signal fire if you are lost in the wilderness, is made from the fibers of an…

Why Dave Preps

By Scott Bascom

Why I Prep, or An Introduction, Of Sorts I am Dave, and you can, too!  That’s not as much of a joke as it could be, honestly. I am the Dave, the Kilted One, War Chief of the Wee Horde. My lovely wife, hereafter known as Mrs. Dave, is active duty military, and my first…