Food Saver Review

By Scott Bascom

Food Saver Review Oh my food saver, how do I love thee. Let me count the ways. What is a Food Saver?             Food savers are a brand of vacuum sealer. They are designed to store food in plastic bags by putting the food in a special bag, vacuuming out all the oxygen, and then…

Top 6 Books for Preppers and Survivalists

By Scott Bascom

Top Books for Preppers and Survivalists             What books should preppers read/Books for preppers (that might make good gifts)?             A lot of prepping blogs focus on nifty gadgets- this is a sock that is meant to light a signal fire if you are lost in the wilderness, is made from the fibers of an…

What Is A Prepper Pantry and Why Should You Consider Starting One?

By Charlene Hess

What is a Prepper Pantry Prepper pantries are the backbone of the prepper life.  A prepper pantry is basically your normal kitchen pantry, except it is better thought out and designed to last long-term. In the case of a survival situation (such as those spurred on by a natural disaster or some devastating social/economical event),…